Retired Law Enforcement Concealed Carry Coverage

The FOP Legal Defense Plan offers Retired Law Enforcement Officers Concealed Carry Coverage (CCC) and is made available only to retired law enforcement officers who retire from a public agency, and, among other things, had powers of arrest while employed, retired in good standing after a minimum of 10 years of service (or have a duty disability), and are legally carrying a concealed firearm at the time of the incident giving rise to any claim. The CCC Plan offers Unlimited Legal Defense for civil and criminal claims associated with the legal carrying and/or use of a concealed weapon: all reasonable and necessary Legal Defense Costs are covered in full when using a Plan Attorney.

In order to be eligible, retired law enforcement officers must be legally carrying a concealed firearm within their state under the state’s qualifications or meet all of the requirements set forth in LEOSA or carrying such firearm in one’s own home or vehicle. Coverage does not include claims related specifically to the open carrying of firearms. The annual cost is $75. If you are an active officer covered by the FOP Legal Defense Plan, similar coverage is already automatically included. Retired officers are not eligible for participation in the FOP Legal Defense Plan, and therefore would need to purchase Retired Law Enforcement Officers Concealed Carry Coverage separately from the FOP Legal Defense Plan.  More details can be found at

To enroll in Retired Law Enforcement Officers Concealed Carry Coverage (CCC), please fill out the application at the link below.

For immediate assistance, please contact us at 800-341-6038 or


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