The FOP Legal Defense Plan’s Board of Trustees (“Board”) has had numerous requests from current and prospective participants to review broadening coverage under the current HR-218 LEOSA Plan. After diligent review and analysis, the Board voted to make the following changes:
The current HR-218 Plan coverage will be replaced with the FOP Retired Law Enforcement Concealed Carry Legal Defense Coverage (CCC). The expanded coverage will offer Unlimited Legal Defense for civil and criminal claims associated with the legal carrying and/or use of a weapon: all reasonable and necessary Legal Defense Costs are now covered in full when using a Plan Attorney. This new expanded Plan will provide coverage not only for those retirees who were qualified under LEOSA, but also those retirees who are qualified under their own state laws to carry a concealed weapon.
The Concealed Carry Coverage (CCC) will go into effect on January 1, 2021. If you are a current HR-218 retired member, unlimited coverage and the enhanced benefits will automatically take effect on January 1, 2021, with no additional cost. Upon renewal of your coverage in 2021, the new annual fee of $75.00 will take effect. For all new retired members joining the Plan after January 1, 2021, the annual fee is $75.00.
If you are an active law enforcement officer covered by the FOP Legal Defense Plan, LEOSA coverage already is included. Concealed Carry Coverage (CCC) is for Retired Law Enforcement Officers Only and separate from the FOP Legal Defense Plan.
The Board is excited to provide yet another excellent benefit for our FOP Law Enforcement Brothers and Sisters. In today’s unstable times, it is crucial to make sure you are protected.
The Legal Plan values your business and thanks you for your continued support. For questions pertaining to these changes, enrollment, or the plan in general, please contact Hylant at 800-341-6038 or visit our website at